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The Complete Review: “Out of This World is a useful reference work for any reader, and surely essential for anyone interested in speculative fiction originally written in other languages. It also serves as a very good introduction to the field — and readers eager to expand their reading of speculative fiction will find this to be a great guide and resource for finding new reading.”
World Literature Today: “This essential and apprehensible guide—written primarily for readers, not scholars or critics—belongs in every library: large or small, public or university.“
Book Forager: “…this is a really excellent introduction to translated speculative fiction that deserves to have its flag enthusiastically waved.”
UAB: “As for Cordasco’s book, I hope it finds the readers it aims at, and I wish I could meet them, for they must be a fearless bunch.”
Science Fiction Studies: “It presents an encyclopedic introduction to SFT from the 1960s to today, and presents the information as both overviews and in detail. As the first of its kind, it pioneers a new direction in the study of SFT and paves the way for further related research. It leads us into a real world where literature from various languages exists coevally and compatibly, instead of one of unquestioned Anglophone domination. I would definitely recommend it to all readers who are interested in speculative fiction from languages other than English.“