Reviews for this site (112):
The Rabbit Back Literature Society (June 2016)
The Queue (July 2016)
Black Tea and Other Tales (August 2016)
Iraq + 100 (October 2016)
Cathedral of Mist (July 2016)
Cat Country (July 2016)
Death’s End (August 2016)
Speculative Japan 3 (August 2016)
Dolly City (September 2016)
Dreams from Beyond: Anthology of Czech Speculative Fiction (September 2016)
Memoirs of a Polar Bear (October 2016)
Monteverde: Memoirs of an Interstellar Linguist (October 2016)
Isra Isle (October 2016)
Terra Nova: An Anthology of Contemporary Spanish Science Fiction (November 2016)
Spanish Women of Wonder (November 2016)
Impossible Stories I (December 2016)
Frontier (February 2017)
Moon Scars (February 2017)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 2 (February 2017)
SRDN- From Bronze and Darkness (March 2017)
The Slynx (May 2017)
Our Dead World (June 2017)
The Invented Part (June 2017)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 3 (July 2017)
Listening for Jupiter (August 2017)
Bullseye! (August 2017)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 4 (August 2017)
The Snail on the Slope (October 2017)
Eden (November 2017)
The Star Diaries (November 2017)
Amatka (November 2017)
Return From the Stars (December 2017)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 5 (January 2018)
Sisyphean (February 2018)
Kontakt (March 2018)
Memoirs Found in a Bathtub (March 2018)
The Invisible Valley (April 2018)
The Bottom of the Sky (April 2018)
Solarpunk (July 2018)
The Mission (July 2018)
Catastrophe and Other Stories (July 2018)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 6 (July 2018)
Two of Six: A Captain’s Dilemma (September 2018)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 7 (October 2018)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 8 (January 2019)
The Ouroboros Wave (February 2019)
Mortal Engines (March 2019)
The Redemption of Time (May 2019)
The Silent City (July 2019)
The Maerlande Chronicles/In the Mothers’ Land (July 2019)
Kthulhu Reich (July 2019)
The Dreamed Part (October 2019)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 9 (October 2019)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Volume 10 (December 2019)
Red Dust (February 2020)
BloodBusters (April 2020)
The Inhabited Island (May 2020)
Solaris (October 2020)
Dissipatio H. G. (October 2020)
As the Distant Bells Toll (November 2020)
Okamoto Kidō: Master of the Uncanny (November 2020)
Roadside Picnic (December 2020)
Twelve: A Romanian Science-Fiction Anthology (January 2021)
Bug (April 2021)
ФантАstika: Almanac of Bulgarian Speculative Fiction (May 2021)
Nova Hellas: Stories from Future Greece (June 2021)
Futurespotting (July 2021)
Fast Forward Japan (August 2021)
The Ark Sakura (October 2021)
The Deep Sea Diver’s Syndrome (November 2021)
Desperate Games (February 2022)
The Good Leviathan (February 2022)
Planet of the Apes (February 2022)
Time Out of Mind (February 2022)
Garden on the Moon (February 2022)
Because it is Absurd (February 2022)
The Marvelous Palace (March 2022)
Trouble in Paradise (March 2022)
Mirrors of the Sun (March 2022)
“The Absurd, Ironic World of Pierre Boulle” (March 2022)
Muck (March 2022)
The World of the End (April 2022)
Freezing Down (December 2022)
The Erinys Incident (January 2023)
Youth Without Youth (April 2023)
The Movement (July 2023)
The Elementary Particles (July 2023)
Simantov (August 2023)
HWJN (September 2023)
The Waves Extinguish the Wind (September 2023)
Freetaly (September 2023)
The Beetle in the Anthill (September 2023)
Monday Starts on Saturday (September 2023)
Launch Something! (November 2023)
I Remember You (November 2023)
Sky City: New Science Fiction Stories by Danish Authors (December 2023)
Newton’s Brain (January 2024)
Your Utopia (February 2024)
The Inhumans and Other Stories: A Selection of Bengali Science Fiction (March 2024)
The Cemetery of Chua Village and Other Stories (March 2024)
Behind the Red Mist (March 2024)
Ice (April 2024)
It Happened Tomorrow (April 2024)
Spinner of Darkness & Other Tales (April 2024)
Wizard of the Crow (May 2024)
The Singularity (May 2024)
The Man Who Spoke Snakish (June 2024)
Metropole (September 2024)
Egypt + 100 (February 2025)
Reviews published elsewhere (61):
The Three-Body Problem (SF Signal, November 2014)
Nest of Worlds (SF Signal, November 2014)
A Planet for Rent (SF Signal, December 2014)
A Legend of the Future (SF Signal, January 2015)
Dendera (SF Signal, February 2015)
The Dead Mountaineer’s Inn (SF Signal, March 2015)
The Old Axolotl (SF Signal, April 2015)
Red Girls: The Legend of the Akakuchibas (SF Signal, April 2015)
Gene Mapper (SF Signal, July 2015)
Memory (SF Signal, July 2015)
The Dark Forest (SF Signal, August 2015)
The Apex Book of World SF 4 (SF Signal, September 2015)
Biogenesis (SF Signal, August 2015)
Red Star Tales: A Century of Russian and Soviet Science Fiction (SF Signal, December 2015)
The Best of Spanish Steampunk (SF Signal, March 2016)
Empire V (SF Signal, April 2016)
Invisible Planets (, November 2016)
Nexhuman (Strange Horizons, 2017)
Bodies of Summer (Strange Horizons, 2017)
Radiant Terminus (World Literature Today, 2017)
Orbital Cloud (Samovar, March 2017)
The Sacred Era (World Literature Today, September 2017)
The Blaft Anthology of Tamil Pulp Fiction Vol. III (Strange Horizons, November 2017)
Frankenstein in Baghdad (World Literature Today, January 2018)
Future Fiction: New Dimensions in International Science Fiction (Strange Horizons, April 2018)
Vestiges (QuanTika, Book 1) (Strange Horizons, July 2018)
Broken Stars (World Literature Today, March/April 2019)
I Am Behind You and I Always Find You (Strange Horizons, December 2018)
CoDex 1962 (Strange Horizons, February 2019)
The Apex Book of World SF: Volume Five (Strange Horizons, March 2019)
A Bond Undone (Strange Horizons, July 2019)
Everything is Made of Letters (Strange Horizons, August 2019)
AfroSFv.3 (Strange Horizons, September 2019)
First Contact and Time Travel: Selected Essays and Short Stories (Strange Horizons, October 2019)
Shadows of the Short Days (Strange Horizons, December 2019)
Ball Lightning (Foundation, October 2019)
Vita Nostra (Foundation, October 2019)
Supernova Era (World Literature Today, January 2020)
The Madwoman of Serrano (Strange Horizons, April 2020)
Eleven Sooty Dreams (World Literature Today, December 2020)
“Stanislaw Lem: Against Illusion” (Studies in the Fantastic, December 2020)
Celestial Hellscapes: Cosmology as the Key to the Strugatskiis’ Science Fictions (JFA, 2020)
Jakarta (Strange Horizons, March 2021)
To Hold Up the Sky (World Literature Today, March 2021)
Eurasian Monsters (Strange Horizons, June 2021)
To the Warm Horizon (World Literature Today, September 2021)
Slipping (Strange Horizons, October 2021)
Robot (World Literature Today, November 2021)
The Membranes (Strange Horizons, December 2021)
I am the Tiger (Strange Horizons, January 2022)
The Agents (Strange Horizons, March 2022)
Beyond Tomorrow: German Science Fiction and Utopian Thought in the 20th and 21st Centuries (JFA, 2022)
Memories of Tomorrow (Strange Horizons, September 2022)
One Mile and Two Days Before Sunset, A Detective’s Complaint, & Take Up and Read (World Literature Today, September 2022)
Seven Empty Houses (Strange Horizons, February 2023)
Everything is Ori (Strange Horizons, July 2023)
Assassin of Reality (Strange Horizons, September 2023)
The Kindness (Strange Horizons, November 2023)
They Will Dream in the Garden (Strange Horizons, December 2023)
The Book Censor’s Library (April 2024)
You Glow in the Dark (April 2024)
The Night Guest (September 2024)
The Revolt of the Animals (April 2025)
Essays (33):
“Translating the Alien: Cixin Liu’s The Three-Body Problem” (, 2016)
“Speculative Fiction in Translation: 15 Works to Watch Out For in 2016” (, 2016)
“Ten Spec Fic Anthologies in Translation From Around the World” (, 2016)
“Remembrance of Earth’s Past and Humanity’s Future: Reflections on the Three-Body Trilogy” (, 2016)
“Polar Bears and Cyborg Turtles: Some Non-Human Narrative Perspectives” (BTBA, December 2016)
“Speculative Fiction in Translation: 9 Works to Watch Out for in 2017” (, 2016)
“Roundtable on Speculative Fiction in Translation: Past, Present, Future” (, 2017)
“Six SFF Series in Translation” (, 2017)
“Let’s Stop Overlooking SFF in Translation” (, 2017)
“Horror in Translation: 8 Chilling Reads From Around the World” (, 2017)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #1 (SFRA Review, Summer 2018)
“The Best in Translated Speculative Fiction of 2018 (So Far)” (Lit Hub, 2018)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #2 (SFRA Review, Fall 2018)
“What To Read Now: Horror in Translation” (World Literature Today, 2019)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #3 (SFRA Review, Winter 2019)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #4 (SFRA Review, Spring 2019)
“Italian Speculative Microfiction in Translation: Three Writers” (Words Without Borders, 2019)
“Occult Fiction in Translation” (Speculative City, 2019)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #5 (SFRA Review, Summer 2019)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #6 (SFRA Review, Fall 2019)
“Legend of the Galactic Heroes” (Locus Roundtable, March 2020)
Spanish-Language Speculative Fiction by Women in Translation (Three Percent, August 2020)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #7 (SFRA Review, Winter 2020)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #8 (SFRA Review, Vol.50, no.2-3, Summer 2020)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #9 (SFRA Review, Vol.50, no.4, Fall 2020)
“What to Read Now: Recent Polish Speculative Fiction in Translation” (World Literature Today, January 2021)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #10 (SFRA Review, Vol.51, no.1, Winter 2021)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #11 (SFRA Review, Vol. 51, no.2, Spring 2021)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #12 (SFRA Review, Vol. 51, no.3, Summer 2021)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #13 (SFRA Review, Vol. 51, no.4, Fall 2021)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #14 (SFRA Review, Vol. 52, no.1, Winter 2022)
“We Need More Speculative Fiction in Translation” (Words Without Borders, March 2022)
“Italian Speculative Fiction in Translation” (Locus, January 2023)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #15 (SFRA Review, Vol. 52, no.2, Spring 2022)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #16 (SFRA Review, Vol. 53, no.1, Winter 2023)
“The SF in Translation Universe” #17 (SFRA Review, Vol. 53, no. 3, Summer 2023)
Translations (from the Italian) (16):
“Trick?” by Vincenzo Barone Lumaga (SFT site, 2016)
“Electric Dreams” by Fabio Lastrucci, (translated with Daniele Forlino) (SFT site, 2016)
“Ron” by Ben Bamboo Korami, (translated with Daniele Forlino) (SFT site, 2017)
“A Day to Remember” by Clelia Farris (Samovar Magazine, 2017)
“The Catalog of Virgins” by Nicoletta Vallorani (Clarkesworld Magazine, 2017)
“Tears and Honey” by Serena Fiandro (Anomaly 25, 2017)
“La Tierra Blanca” by Maurizio Cometto (The Silent Garden, Volume 1, 2018)
“The Substance of Ideas” by Clelia Farris (Future Science Fiction Digest, 2018)
“Holes” by Clelia Farris (World Literature Today, 2019)
Creative Surgery by Clelia Farris, translated with Jennifer Delare (Rosarium Publishing, 2020)
“Chronotope” by Raul Ciannella (Ab Terra science fiction anthology, 2021)
“Another Place” by Clelia Farris (Samovar Magazine, 2021)
“My Little Slice of Sky: A Multilingual Exquisite Corpse” by R. Joseph Dazo, Nazlı Karabıyıkoğlu, Olga Breininger, and Clelia Farris, translations by John Bengan, Ralph Hubbell, Hilah Kohen, and Rachel Cordasco (Slice Magazine, 2022)
“The Words” by Clelia Farris (Apex Magazine, 2022)
Veg-humans by Clelia Farris (forthcoming)
“Threehearts and Me” by Clelia Farris (forthcoming)
Entries in the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction:
“Nerds on Tour: Interview with Translator Rachel Cordasco” by Andrea Johnson (Nerds of a Feather, November 2020)
“Non-Fiction Spotlight: Out of This World: Speculative Fiction in Translation from the Cold War to the New Millennium by Rachel S. Cordasco” by Cora Buhlert (March 2022)
“A Whole World of SFF: A Conversation with Rachel Cordasco” by Arley Sorg (Clarkesworld, April 2022)
Retro Rockets interview by Andrea Johnson (May 2022)
Interview on the Hugos There Podcast (August 2024)
Reviews of Out of This World:
The Complete Review (July 2022)
World Literature Today (November 2022)
Book Forager (March 2023)
UAB (March 2023)
Science Fiction Studies (November 2023)