Tag Archives: French

Out This Month: January

The Mountains of Parnassus by Czeslaw Milosz, translated by Stanley Bill (Yale University Press, January 10) “Written in the 1970s and published posthumously in Polish in 2012, Milosz’s deliberately unfinished novel is set in a dystopian future where hierarchy, patriarchy, and religion no longer exist. Echoing the structure of The Captive Mind and written in

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Three Short Stories by French Women SF Writers Pre-1969

This was originally posted on Science Fiction Ruminations 11/30/16 and focuses on three stories by French women writers: “The Devil’s Goddaughter” (1960) by Suzanne Malaval, “Moon-Fishers” (1959) by Nathalie Henneberg, and “The Chain of Love” (1955) by Catherine Cliff.   Three Stories from 13 French Science-Fiction Stories, edited and translated by Damon Knight (Bantam Books, 1965, 165

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Flash Fiction From Around the World: “No One Really Knows”

This is the fourth in a series of posts featuring speculative flash fiction in translation. The series highlights both new and established spec fic writers from around the world.   A former marine biologist, Lionel Davoust has been active in the French SF&F field for over 15 years. A magazine editor, anthologist, translator, podcaster, and

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SPOTLIGHT: Small Blue Planet Podcast Episodes

Ok, so I’m three years late to this party, but I recently devoured the six episodes of “Small Blue Planet,” hosted by Cheryl Morgan and produced by Karen Burnham via the Locus Roundtable blog. Each episode focuses on a different country and features two guests who discuss the speculative fiction and translation scenes in those

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INTERVIEW: Julien Wacquez of Angle Mort and Blind Spot Magazine

Julien Wacquez is a PhD student in sociology at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris. His research focuses on the manner in which science fiction authors lean on scientific knowledge already established to shape their stories, and also on the way these stories pose problems that are expected to be solved through

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