Out This Month: January
SHORT STORIES “Zhuangzi’s Dream” by Cao Baiyu, translated from the Chinese by Stella Jiayue Zhu (Clarkesworld, January 1) REVIEWS
SHORT STORIES “Zhuangzi’s Dream” by Cao Baiyu, translated from the Chinese by Stella Jiayue Zhu (Clarkesworld, January 1) REVIEWS
SHORT STORIES “Fly Free” by Alan Kubatiev, translated from the Russian by Alex Shvartsman (Clarkesworld, October 1). “Giant Fish” by Chu Shifan, translated from the Chinese by Stella Jiayue Zhu (Clarkesworld, October 1). “Warm beds” by Mónica Bustos, translated from the Spanish (Paraguay) by Analía Villagra (Samovar, October 24) “The
SHORT STORIES “Commencement Address” by Arthur Liu, translated from the Chinese by Stella Jiayue Zhu (Clarkesworld, April 1) NOVELS At the Edge of the Woods by Masatsugu Ono, translated from the Japanese by Juliet Winters Carpenter (Two Lines Press, April 12) In an unnamed foreign country, a family
SHORT STORIES “Commencement Address” by Arthur Liu, translated from the Chinese by Stella Jiayue Zhu (Clarkesworld, March 1) “Silent Slumber” by Malena Salazar Maciá, translated from the Spanish by ? (Dark Matter, March/April) NOVELS Scattered All Over the Earth by Yoko Tawada, translated from the Japanese by Margaret Mitsutani (New