Hungarian speculative fiction in English translation has been around since the early twentieth century, with more than thirty novels, collections, and stand-alone stories. From the Gulliver’s Travels-inspired stories of Frigyes Karinthy to the Kafkaesque absurdity of Ferenc Karinthy, and from the hard science fiction of Péter Zsoldos and Botond Markovics to the horror of Attila Veres, there’s something for every reader to enjoy!
Essays on Hungarian Speculative Fiction- Written for this Feature
“Translating (SF) from Hungarian” by Peter Sherwood
“Hungarian Speculative Fiction: The Three Pillars” by Austin Wagner
Other Essays on Hungarian Speculative Fiction
“The Hungarian Way of Science Fiction” (SFRA Review)
“Hungary” (Encyclopedia of Science Fiction)
“Hungarian Speculative Fiction: Forceful, Vicious, Viscous” (Hungarian Literature Online)
“The Kaleidoscope Of Hungarian Fantastic Literature In The 21st Century” (Sci Phi Journal)

Jokai, Mor. “The Drop of Blood,” unknown translator (The Fifteenth Fontana Book of Great Horror Stories, 1982).
Képes, Gábor. “House on the Edge of the Crater,” translated by Anna Kállai (Samovar, 2024).
Kleinheincz, Csilla. “A Drop of Raspberry,” translated by Noémi Szelényi (Interfictions: An Anthology of Interstitial Writing, 2007).
—-. “After Midnight, Before Dawn,” unknown translator (Black Petals #39, 2007).
—-. “Mermaidsong,” translated by Bogi Takács (Mermaids Monthly, 2021).
—-. “Rabbits,” translated by the author (Expanded Horizons, 2010).
—-. “A Single Year,” translated by the author (The Apex Book of World SF 2, 2012).
Komor, Zoltán. “The System’s Lymph Node,” translated by Austin Wagner (Hungarian Literature Online, 2023).
Lengyel, Peter. “Rising Sun,” translated by Oliver A.I. Botar (The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction, 1986).
Nagy, Lajos Parti. “Oh, Those Chubby Genes,” translated by Judith Sollosy (Words Without Borders, 2010).
Rusvai, Mónika. “Bone by Bone,” translated by Vivien Urban (Samovar, 2024).
Sepsi, László. “Déniel” (excerpt from Fruiting Bodies), translated by Austin Wagner (Hungarian Literature Online, 2022).
Szélesi, Sándor. “Creative Years,” translated by Gergely Kamper (Creatures of Glass and Light, 2007).
—-. “How Long is the Road?” translated by Gergely Kamper (SFRA Review, 2022).
—-. “You Will Go, You Will Return,” unknown translator (The Viral Curtain, 2022).
Veres, Atilla. “Just a Bit Easier,” translated by Austin Wagner (Hungarian Literature Online, 2023).
—-. “The Time Remaining,” translated by Luca Karáfiath (The Valancourt Book of World Horror Stories, Volume One, 2020).