Ok, so I’m three years late to this party, but I recently devoured the six episodes of “Small Blue Planet,” hosted by Cheryl Morgan and produced by Karen Burnham via the Locus Roundtable blog. Each episode focuses on a different country and features two guests who discuss the speculative fiction and translation scenes in those countries. These episodes are marvelous and fascinating (especially when the topic of untranslatable words and word-building comes up- I just love that stuff). Anyway, here are the links to the episodes– go put them in your ears right this minute.
- Episode 1: Finland – Jukka Halme & Marianna Leikomaa
- Episode 2: China – Ken Liu & Chen Qiufan
- Episode 3: Brazil – Fábio Fernandes & Jacques Barcia
- Episode 4: France – Mélanie Fazi & Lionel Davoust
- Episode 5: Israel – Gili Bar Hillel and Didi Chanoch
- Episode 6: The Philippines – Charles A. Tan & Dean Francis Alfar